Ivey's Lounge

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Setting it up now for the guy...


I have a few questions, Phil, for when you arrive....

What's your favorite color, and how does it play into your everyday life?

What size shoes do you wear, and are they sneakers or nicer?

What kind of car do you drive, and when you hit it big as a lawyer, what will your ride be then (in today's selection of wheels)?

Does the toilet paper belong over-the top or underneath, and do you employ the "rip into individual squares" method, or the "scrunch a big ball of it" method?

Are you a mellow drunk, or a mean drunk?

What's your morning routine?

How long do you brush your teeth for?

Do you turn your clothes right-side out before washing, or just leave it until you put them on?

Bath or Shower?

Do you walk or jog for exercise, and if so, how long and how far?

Do you like roller coasters, and if so, what is your favorite?

What has caused you to become the Gentler Jobe lately?

Does Milk go great with Pizza, and what are your choices of topping?

Do you frequent any other forums, and if so, where does this one rate and why do you stay here?

Why are women perceived as worse poker players as men?

Are you only checking in, or are you here for good?

Are we ever gonna play some cards again?

What time is it right this very moment?

What level of schooling did you complete?

What do you do for a living?

How fast have you gotten the Vette up to?

Where do you live?

Do you have one of those keyboards that you can switch the letters around to different positions?

Do you play on Full Tilt?

If yes, Play chips or Real money?

Will the rain hurt the rhubarb?

Do you like Emus as much as I do?

Do you plan on making quality posts before the new year?

Why did you name your cat Rocky?

What kinds of movies do you like?

Do you play poker live?

If yes, what limits?

Do you prefer to use a pencil or a pen?

If pencil, don't you hate when the eraser wears out?

Have you ever been caught spanking it?

Do you pay your bills online or by regular mail?

How many stamps do you use in a month?

What kind of tires are on your car?

I use Meguire's wax, do you?

Pistachios or Macadamias?

Do you have a graphing calculator?

Do you know what a graphing calculator is?

Do you prefer letter-sized envelopes or legal-sized envelopes?

Do you play Craps?

Have you ever been to Vegas?

If yes, where do you stay?

What time does your clock say, now?

How long did it take to answer all of these questions?


cubbies760 :

I have a few questions, Phil, for when you arrive....

What's your favorite color, and how does it play into your everyday life?

What size shoes do you wear, and are they sneakers or nicer?

What kind of car do you drive, and when you hit it big as a lawyer, what will your ride be then (in today's selection of wheels)?

Does the toilet paper belong over-the top or underneath, and do you employ the "rip into individual squares" method, or the "scrunch a big ball of it" method?

Are you a mellow drunk, or a mean drunk?

What's your morning routine?

How long do you brush your teeth for?

Do you turn your clothes right-side out before washing, or just leave it until you put them on?

Bath or Shower?

Do you walk or jog for exercise, and if so, how long and how far?

Do you like roller coasters, and if so, what is your favorite?

What has caused you to become the Gentler Jobe lately?

Does Milk go great with Pizza, and what are your choices of topping?

Do you frequent any other forums, and if so, where does this one rate and why do you stay here?

Why are women perceived as worse poker players as men?

Are you only checking in, or are you here for good?

Are we ever gonna play some cards again?

What time is it right this very moment?

What level of schooling did you complete?

What do you do for a living?

How fast have you gotten the Vette up to?

Where do you live?

Do you have one of those keyboards that you can switch the letters around to different positions?

Do you play on Full Tilt?

If yes, Play chips or Real money?

Will the rain hurt the rhubarb?

Do you like Emus as much as I do?

Do you plan on making quality posts before the new year?

Why did you name your cat Rocky?

What kinds of movies do you like?

Do you play poker live?

If yes, what limits?

Do you prefer to use a pencil or a pen?

If pencil, don't you hate when the eraser wears out?

Have you ever been caught spanking it?

Do you pay your bills online or by regular mail?

How many stamps do you use in a month?

What kind of tires are on your car?

I use Meguire's wax, do you?

Pistachios or Macadamias?

Do you have a graphing calculator?

Do you know what a graphing calculator is?

Do you prefer letter-sized envelopes or legal-sized envelopes?

Do you play Craps?

Have you ever been to Vegas?

If yes, where do you stay?

What time does your clock say, now?

How long did it take to answer all of these questions?

Would a mod please delete this? We're not trying to scare Phil away. WTF.

Pete D

Phil- Hypothetical scenario... let's say you could not attend the final table in November for whatever reason, but could choose any player to take your place... who would you choose and why?


Pete D :

Phil- Hypothetical scenario... let's say you could not attend the final table in November for whatever reason, but could choose any player to take your place... who would you choose and why?

I'm guessin Phil Helmuth, because Ivey would make more money offering insurance than if Phil won the tourney.


Phil, who brought you into poker and at what age did you start playing?


Who's better, Mom or Dad?

If you had to puree a vegetable, which would it be?


What color socks do you prefer?


Whats the Biggest Pot you have ever won? Whats the Biggest Pot you have ever lost?

Insert Witty SN

I'm sure this thread will significantly decrease the chances of Phil Ivey posting regularly here.


cubbies760 :

I have a few questions, Phil, for when you arrive....

What's ...


...repeated 142 times...


How long did it take to answer all of these questions?

Wow cubbies, did you know you're now the source of impersonators?


What are your thoughts on this video?


Pete D

cubbies760 :

What are your thoughts on this video?


It happens to everyone.

Dealt to Pete D [7h Qc Ac Qs]
*** FLOP *** [7c 7d 6d]
altesackhalter bets $0.50
LionARL calls $0.50
Pete D calls $0.50
*** TURN *** [7c 7d 6d] [Kd]
altesackhalter bets $0.50
LionARL calls $0.50
Pete D calls $0.50
*** RIVER *** [7c 7d 6d Kd] [7s]
altesackhalter bets $0.25
LionARL raises to $3
Pete D folds


Phil, what did you think of Darvin Moon's play at the Final Table?


IF Phil even bothered to answer all those questions, he'd never have time to play poker !

I was under the impression that this was a forum to ask Phil some serious questions and maybe give all of us a chance to learn from him.

But it seems like some of you just post childish posts.

Mr. Ivey, I've been watching the WSOP for years. I was rooting for you and am sorry you didn't go all the way. You seemed distracted at the end somehow. I do not like this final nine format. It gives people too much time to rest up and it should be like it was and fatigue and longetivity at the table could be a factor again. = I hope you will have another chance to go to a final table and go all the way. I find you a really hard player to read, but you had some really aggressive players at that table. Thank you for all your excellent play over the years.


How thick is your bankroll?
What are your expenses?
How easy would it be to return to yourold job?
Do you have a strong support system in place?
What are the consequences of failure?
How much data do youhave about your past results?
Is playing for a living going to have a negative impact on your health or social life?
Can you handle the pressure?
Am you ready to write the IRS a check every three months?
How much do you love to play?


... what do you think of this video?



ironcityg :

I was under the impression that this was a forum to ask Phil some serious questions.

Do you play tennis in your spare time?


Phil why would you bother to read this goofy thread ?


bugeye409 :

Phil why would you bother to read this goofy thread ?

Because his fan like yourself already read it for him.


Hi Phil,

Longtime watcher... first time asker.

Boxers or briefs?

Floss or mouthwash?

Blondes or brunettes?

NY or LA?

Boob or ass guy?

Coke or Pepsi?

NSync or Backstreet Boys?

I must know!

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